
Showing posts from September, 2023

Religious Freedom Comparison, Australia and Indonesia

Religious Freedom in Australia Australia is a multicultural country with diverse society from many different cultures and ethnic backgrounds. The population of Australia come from all corners of the world. Nearly 30% was born overseas. As a multicultural country, Australia does not has national or official religion. The people have freedom to practice any religion or belief as long no law are broken. By law, everyone in Australia is free to express and maintain their cultural and religious traditions. Australian values include: respect for the freedom and dignity of the individual freedom of religion, freedom of speech, and freedom of association commitment to the rule of law, which means all people are subject to the law and should obey it parliamentary democracy whereby the laws are determined by parliaments elected by the people, those laws being paramount and overriding any other inconsistent religious or secular 'laws' equality of opportunity for all people, regardless of

Kenapa Masyarakat di Australia Mau Menggunakan Transportasi Publik

Australia merupakan salah satu negara tetangga Indonesia yang menganut sistem commonwealth dan merupakan salah satu negara tujuan favorit pelajar maupun wisatawan Indonesia. Selain kedekatan geografis dengan Indonesia, beragam kegiatan perekonomian dan kemasyarakatan di Australia sudah sangat teratur juga memberikan rasa nyaman bagi pendatang. Pemerintah Australia sangat memperdulikan kesejahteraan rakyatnya dengan menyediakan berbagai pelayanan dan fasilitas publik yang sangat baik. Karena pernah tinggal cukup lama disana, saya akan membahas tentang fasilitas transportasi publik di salah satu negara bagian terpadat di Australia yaitu New South Wales (NSW).  Pemerintah NSW menyediakan beragam pilihan transportasi publik baik jalur darat maupun perairan bagi warganya maupun pengunjung yaitu train (kereta api), light rail, metro, bus, taxi dan ferry 1. Train Jenis transportasi Train terbagi atas Intercity Trains Network yang melayani wilayah di pinggiran Sydney dan NSW Trainlink untuk re